Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Blog vs. Facebook

Okay, here's the thing. Last week my BFF from high school emailed me to say she had joined Facebook, and lured me in by saying that she was reconnecting with several high school friends there. With that as my motivation, I got sucked in, and after a couple days of 'buyers remorse' (feeling a little uncomfortable about being out there in cyberspace), I have now decided I like it a lot! It's fast, easy, and of course interactive. My next mission is to find out how to search for my long-lost BYU friends. Anyway, I'm liking it!


Mirien said...

I've had a couple of invites to facebook and I'm still resisting. Mostly because everyone says they get sucked-in and spend way too much time there. But Evan and Alyssa are there, so sometimes I wonder if I should get on just to keep track of them. What do you think?

Unknown said...

Blogging all the way for me. I agree that Facebook is a great way to find old friends, but that's all it is for me. If it works better than blogging for you though, then that's great! Like Mirien said, that's where your kids will spend most of their time anyways.

Melanie said...

Truly I don't have a hard time staying away from Facebook. I like being able to see what some old friends are up to but it isn't a big deal. But I sure am glad we can be friends now!

Nicole said...

I hate my facebook. I only got on so I could see pictures of my friend's kids who live in Oklahoma and now I get all of these requests for things. I may not be the best blogger but I like it so much better because only the people I care about can read my updates.